Monday, February 27, 2006
From My Position... On the way!: 411 and and Cingular woes
Chuck has a few choice words about them. Go see what he has to say. I feel pretty much the same way.
I am Austin!
Found over at the The LLama Butchers
You Are Austin |
![]() A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll. You're totally weird and very proud of it. Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way. Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick |
It is that time of year again. The FCAT's have started. In case you don't know, this is the series of tests that our children take each year to determine how well the school district is doing. They are also required for our students to get promoted to the next grade. Had a good laugh with SIT about the FCAT the other day. School sends hoema booklet about the FCAT and it states that they school's do not teach the test. SIT looked at me and raised the big red BS flag on that. We have Florida state editions of text books that have FCAT specific questions. Now, let us try that again. I know that the schools are teaching the FCAT, why else would you have a special state edition of a text? Let's try something really useful and get rid of the special texts and get one that will prepare our children for life in the real world and then how about we test them on that text. Seems we took the test and wrote the text from it rather than the right way.
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Saturday's chores
Well, another week has gone by here at Sarge's command post and CINCHOUSE has several taskings for Sarger to take care of. First, the irrigation system needs a repair and CINCHOUSE needs some "organic" material for the garden patch. It does look like rain out there and I want to get this done before that starts. Also, need to change the oil in the prime mover, that needs doing this week as we have swim meets every weekend between now and championships. Better finish this cup o' jumpstart (just love that term, thanks Guy!). So until later,
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Monday, February 20, 2006
Nashville Bound
A couple of weeks ago, CINCHOUSE and I decided that if Sgt-In-Training made two cuts for Championships that we would take him. Well, it is in stone, we are headed for Nashville for Southeastern Swimming's Short Course Championship Meet next month. SIT has his cuts in the 100 yd and 200 yd backstroke. Hope he can get a couple more before we leave. We have two more local meets to get through and then we load up and head out.
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Swimming is . .
For those keeping up, or trying to as I update in-frequently, SIT has made another championship level cut. That means that Sarge, CINCHOUSE, and SIT will be making a trip north for the championship meet next month. SIT is really heating up the water. He just aged up to the 13/14 yr olds and the time standards are tough. He is doing well and starting to swim smart. He really likes this. Good luck SIT
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Rednecks, Booze and Dog Collars
You know, should have seen this one coming. Caution MAJOR spew alert. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The Dax Files » Zapped!
The Dax Files » Zapped!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
TO: Brian Williams, NBC
What makes you think that someone is trying to cover up something? Is it because they didn't call you directly after the inicident? Or is it because you didn't get a call from VP Cheney's Chief of Staff? No, I know, it is because you suffer from BDS. You and all the other so called "journalists" in the lame stream media. You are a disgrace to your "profession." This was a simple hunting accident that just happens to involve the Vice-President of the United States. Nothing more, nothing less. Had it been any other person, would you have made such a big deal of it? I don't think so. Man accidentley shoots hunting partner is not news. No cover-up, nothing criminal, nothing to see here, move along.
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Why is it
A local business would like to do business with you and sends you a letter addressed to you by first name? Or, you are out makeing purchases and utilizing a check or credit card, the clerk addresses you in the same manner? I don't know about you, but I find that a tad disrespectful. Sam's Club has it right. When I shop there and proceed to complete my purchase, the cashier always thanks me and calls me Mr. ******. If I have established a continuing business relationship with you and have asked you to call me by my first name, please feel free to do so. If we do not have that relationship established, please don't feel free to do so. If we kid each other about the amount of money that CINCHOUSE spends with you, you may presume that we have established that relationship and act accordingly. You will know who you are.
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Out of the mouth of . . .
Sarge-In-Training had me going today. We were watching the Matix early this afternoon and at the point in the movie when the character Morpheous, in respons to Neo's question, tells us "without the brain, the body cannot survive." SIT looks over at me and quips "How do you explain the dumbocrats then?" Let me tell you, I was not prepared for that. I am still laughing. While I do not claim a party affiliation, I do tend to lean a bit to the right.
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Friday, February 10, 2006
Services Rendered
Rob at Say Anything found this tidbit. Make sense to me. Click the link to read his post.
Say Anything: No Budget, No Pay
My dad always told me that if I am hired to do a job and getting paid to do it, that until the job is finished to the bosses satisfaction, I wouldn't get paid. If there was a deadline, don't expect payment if you miss the deadline. You hired congress to do a job and you should demand the best. If they fail to do the job by the deadline imposed, then on election day, hire somebody else. There is no excuse. They know that the fiscal year ends September 30 every single year. It hasn't changed in my lifetime. I really hope this passes (I won't hold my breath). Send the message in a way that resonates through the halls of the capitol. Contact your representative and remind them that they work for you and that you are not happy about there performnace. Let them know that you are considering hiring someone else to do the job. Or maybe doing it yourself. The HOR is the peoples house, let's take it back.
Say Anything: No Budget, No Pay
My dad always told me that if I am hired to do a job and getting paid to do it, that until the job is finished to the bosses satisfaction, I wouldn't get paid. If there was a deadline, don't expect payment if you miss the deadline. You hired congress to do a job and you should demand the best. If they fail to do the job by the deadline imposed, then on election day, hire somebody else. There is no excuse. They know that the fiscal year ends September 30 every single year. It hasn't changed in my lifetime. I really hope this passes (I won't hold my breath). Send the message in a way that resonates through the halls of the capitol. Contact your representative and remind them that they work for you and that you are not happy about there performnace. Let them know that you are considering hiring someone else to do the job. Or maybe doing it yourself. The HOR is the peoples house, let's take it back.
Customer Service
What has happened to customer service? After a recent swim meet, SIT, CINCHOUSE and I went to the new steak house in town. Now, this was the first time that I had been to this particular chain, but had been told that the experience would be memorable. Let me tell you it was. Now, I, as a young man, worked in the food service business and the one thing that was impressed upon me by my bosses was that no matter what, the CUSTOMER is the most important person. Anyhooo, the establishment was busy, and we had to wait for a bit to be seated. Not a big deal, and the wait wasn't that long. When young miss (YM) led us to a table, she inquired if it would be ok, well, CINCHOUSE indicated to YM that it was not accetptable as it was in the middle of the floor. CINCHOUSE inquired about a half-booth just a bit away and YM seated us there and decided that we were not worth a "enjoy your meal." STRIKE 1. So, Sarge and the troops sit and wait for waiter (YW) to come and inquire about liquid refreshment. And we wait. Finally, waiter from another section comes over and inquires if out waiter has been by. I respond in the negative and waiter goes and get YW to actually serve customers. STIRKE 2. Liquids finally arrive and we inform YW as to what we would like to taste on this fine evening. Well, finally dinner arrives and we engage in savoring same. YW comes by and inquires of SIT if he would care for another beverage (extra charge, of course) and since it is SITs birthday, he is permitted to expend funds. CINCHOUSE and I are not offered refills on our beverages of choice. STRIKE 3.
After check arrives (no offer of desert was made, STRIKE 4), I place enough Andrew Jacksons in holder to cover tab ($39 and change) and don't even wait for the change (less than a George Washington). As we are departing, I inform manager that it would be a LONG TIME before I returned to his establishment. After he inquires about my experience, and let him know what my experience was like and that I believe that he has a training problem that needs to be addressed. Manager entices me to returne with an offer of buying dinner and suggests that I request a specific server next time to experience the best he has to offer. Maybe CINCHOUSE and I will take him up on that soon. Seems there is a special occasion this week that might do. And the food was extraordinarily tasty.
What think you?
Sarge, Out
After check arrives (no offer of desert was made, STRIKE 4), I place enough Andrew Jacksons in holder to cover tab ($39 and change) and don't even wait for the change (less than a George Washington). As we are departing, I inform manager that it would be a LONG TIME before I returned to his establishment. After he inquires about my experience, and let him know what my experience was like and that I believe that he has a training problem that needs to be addressed. Manager entices me to returne with an offer of buying dinner and suggests that I request a specific server next time to experience the best he has to offer. Maybe CINCHOUSE and I will take him up on that soon. Seems there is a special occasion this week that might do. And the food was extraordinarily tasty.
What think you?
Sarge, Out
Busy Week
Quite a bit has happened since we left the command post for the swim meet last Friday. While not his best meet, Sarge-In-Training did well. He recently aged up into the 13/14 age group, he made a good showing. No championship cuts, but that is ok. This is a tough age group and the cuts are unbelievable.
I was on deck until 1700 hrs on Sunday and as you know, SuperBowl XL started at 1730 hrs. We left Auburn University and after one quick stop for go-juice just outside Montgomery, AL, we made a run for the command post. SIT and I were on the sofa in front of the big screen in time for the 4th quarter to start. What normally takes me about 3.5 to 4 hours, I did in less that 3. Of course, not every Sunday is SuperBowl Sunday.
Sarge, Out
I was on deck until 1700 hrs on Sunday and as you know, SuperBowl XL started at 1730 hrs. We left Auburn University and after one quick stop for go-juice just outside Montgomery, AL, we made a run for the command post. SIT and I were on the sofa in front of the big screen in time for the 4th quarter to start. What normally takes me about 3.5 to 4 hours, I did in less that 3. Of course, not every Sunday is SuperBowl Sunday.
Sarge, Out
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Friday, February 03, 2006
It's all Bush's Fault
U.S. payrolls grew by 193,000 in January - Stocks Economy -
Go ahead, I'll be here. The headline that caught my eye here was U.S. jobless rate lowest since 2001 Imagine that, the economy is growing and we have more people at work now than when W took office. That is what happens when you give the "rich" a tax cut, they re-invest that money and the economy grows resulting in more growth and more investing which creates more jobs, leading to less unemployment. I'm not an economist, but it makes sense. Also, I firmly believe that if you truly want a job, there is a job out there for you. Doesn't matter if you are flipping burgers, sweeeping floors, washing windows, or digging ditches.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Swim Meets
Wow, we have such a great middle school team. Last night our boys left the pool knowing that they had won and that practice this AM was optional. More than half of them showed up this morning anyway.
Out girls left the pool thinking that they had lost and knowing that practice was mandatory. Seems, however, that the scorekeepers at last night's meet made an error. They forgot to add in 3 points, in our favor, and so at practice this AM, they learned that they had won. Good job to all our swimmers. Only have one meet left and then our timed finals where the best swimmers from each school come together and compete one last time. Should be a lot of fun, wish them luck.
Sarge, Out
Out girls left the pool thinking that they had lost and knowing that practice was mandatory. Seems, however, that the scorekeepers at last night's meet made an error. They forgot to add in 3 points, in our favor, and so at practice this AM, they learned that they had won. Good job to all our swimmers. Only have one meet left and then our timed finals where the best swimmers from each school come together and compete one last time. Should be a lot of fun, wish them luck.
Sarge, Out
Well, just had to put this out there. 16 years ago, CINHOUSE and I got married (yep, believe it, I remembered). Forgot to get the flowers and such, but . . .
Sarge, Out
Sarge, Out
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Gun Control
This is the only kind of gun control I like to read about. The only thing to say here is "Good shooting, officer"
TBIFOC: Carjackers jack wrong chick
TBIFOC: Carjackers jack wrong chick
Bush v. Clinton
Is it my imagination, or is the Hildebeast a little too happy about this? While I watched as much of the SOTU last evening as I could (Sorry folks, Sarge fell asleep on the sofa). I did see this portion. Folks, this is a prime example of BDS. POTUS puts forth a plan and when it is not acted upon, the nation will suffer. We need to get involved and let our "representative" know that if they want to keep their jobs, the need to act NOW to resolve issues. Not just on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, but border security, transportation security and PORK. Check out the pick at the following link.
Curmudgeonly Skeptical²
Curmudgeonly Skeptical²