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Friday, December 16, 2005


I knew there was a reason. . .

Morgan Freeman, love him or hate him, you do have to respect him. Rodger over at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical has a quote from an interview Morgan did with "60 Minutes" This is definitely one man that I would like to meet and shake his hand, just because. I would like to buy him a cup of coffee or whatever. One of the finest actors of our day, black or white. Follow the link for more.


Monday, December 12, 2005


Sow what you would Reap

Mostly Cajun has it right here. http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=1545 If we want to regain our status as the innovators of the world, we need to make sure that our gifted and talented students at ALL levels of education get the inspiration that they need to continue the course.

Just some thoughts on the state of the education system where I live. Based on the criteria from the state, our school district has received an A grade in the last four years. I have to wonder how, and I am STILL trying to find the "standard" used by the state. I see comments from teachers that think that subject/verb agreement is only a suggestion. I would correct their comments and return them, but I am concerned that they would take it out on my son and his grades would suffer.

Students are rarely challenged here. Maybe I need to set up a conference with the school and set forth my standards as a parent and a taxpayer, there's a thought, let them know I am watching and I'll set the standard. SIT knows that my standards are high and I hold him to high standards as well. Maybe it is time for other like-minded parents to speak up. Sarge

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Latest Swimming News

WOW! What a weekend, Sarge and family is still recovering. SIT did EXTREMELY well makeing finals every night. We have the rest of 2005 off from meets, but practice continues. We will hit 2006 like a tornado and get ready to make the trip to Nashville for the championship meet in mid-march. SIT just gets stronger and stronger. Now, if he will learn how to swim SMART as well, we will be set.

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